How do I make a booking?

The best way to make a booking is to come into the studio for a quick chat. Have an artist in mind and your references ready. Tattoos are a visual thing and very personal, so its easiest if we can talk with you face to face and have a look at exactly what you’re after.

For smaller simple tattoos, feel free to give us a quick call.

Alternatively take the long road and email your artist of preference personally or use our online booking form.

How can I best prepare for my tattoo?

The best way to prepare for your tattoo is to make sure you are clean, comfortable and relaxed. Make sure you eat something decent and are hydrated before you come in. If you are getting tattooed for a prolonged period of time, feel free to bring in snacks, headphones or whatever you feel like you need to see you through.

How old do you have to be to get a tattoo?

By law you need to be 18 or older to get a tattoo and we require identification to confirm that before you get tattooed. No exceptions.

Are your tattoos vegan friendly?

Yes. None of our products used during the tattoo process contain animal products.

This is my first tattoo, how much does it hurt?

Unfortunately tattoos do hurt. It is just the nature of the work. However, it is very much a bearable pain. Kind of warm and sharp. But! We are a bunch of friendly, gentle professionals who will see you through the process without much fuss. The best thing you can do is relax.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept cash and we have a digital eftpos service.

Is there anything that you wont tattoo?

Tattoos are obviously a very personal thing and every artist has different values. All art is subjective so its up to you and the discretion of your artist. We will mostly just give you advice on size and areas you should avoid for the sake of healing and longevity.

Do I have to pay a deposit?

Unless it’s a small tattoo that is booked via phone, or you manage to snag a walk in, most tattoos will require a deposit. We take cash, eftpos and bank transfer. Deposits vary from $50-$200, and depending on how much work is involved in the design, part of that may be considered a drawing fee. Your artist will talk to you about that when you book.

Can you help me cover up an existing tattoo?

Yes! Absolutely. All of our artists have done many cover-ups. We just need to know how much space you’re willing to give us and what you want to cover it up with.

Some tattoos may require laser depending on what you want to cover them with.

Is there parking?

Yes. Our front door opens up onto a large parking lot. We have even had parties in it.

How do I look after my tattoo?

All tattoos require a different level of care. Afew general rules for looking after your tattoo are:

-keep your tattoo clean and keep it out of the sun.

-avoid soaking waters like pools, spas, the ocean etc.

-wash your tattoo as you feel you need to (we recommend 3-4 times a day), pat it dry and let it air out a little before you cream it.

-rub in your cream! DONT leave a film. That can smother your tattoo and cause heavy healing, almost like keeping a scab wet.

-dont bloody pick at it!

Some methods for heavier work may involve washing and re-wrapping for the first few days to help with keeping it clean and controlling the weeping while it is fresh.

Consult your tattoo artist for the full run down.

Consult a GP if you are worried about a possible infection or reaction.

Are your consultations free?

Yes our consultations are free. You can come in for a chat whenever you want. You may just need to wait a little bit if we are tattooing. We are a walk in studio but if youre after a particular artist perhaps call ahead before you come in so that we can get our timing right.